Unravelled Development

Consuming JSON with Splunk in two simple steps

Last week I needed to configure Splunk to consume JSON log fies, the documentation on the Splunk website wasn’t particularly clear, and ended in some strange results with data being repeated…With the help of an old colleague of mine (thanks Matt) he pointed me in the direction of this Splunk Answers question, which described the problem that I was having as well as the solution - fixing the configuration. So here are the steps required to setup Splunk to consume JSON from a log file.

No More Interruptions - Integrating Codealike and HipChat

I’ve recently started using Codealike, a service that tracks various metrics while I’m coding. The data it collects is then presented in a bunch of really useful ways to help determine when I’m being most productive, as well as the places our code base I spend most of my time and various other things. One of the metrics they calculate as part of this process is how “focused” you are and from this they determine whether or not someone should interrupt you - they have three different levels, No Activity, Can Interrupt and Cannot Interrupt.

New Relic and Nancy

At DrDoctor we’ve been using Nancy as our web framework for quite sometime now. We’ve found it to have many advantages over ASP.Net MVC (we still have one legacy ASP.Net MVC site running) as well as excellent community support. Recently we started using New Relic to monitor the performance of our web applications. However I was a bit disappointed when I was first looking at the data it collected and saw this

Nancy and NCrunch - Playing nicely last

If you haven’t tried NCrunch before then stop reading this and go download the trial and try it out, it will forever change your testing habits* - for the better. NCrunch is the breakfast of champions -KenR At DrDoctor we use Nancy (rather than the typically used ASP.Net MVC Framework) the main reason is summed up by the overall goal of the framework: The goal of the framework is to stay out of the way as much as possible and provide a super-duper-happy-path to all interactions.

QOTD - James Hamilton

I recently came across this brilliant quote while reading the Klarna engineering blog and thought it was worth posting. If development is frequently called in the middle of the night, automation is the likely outcome. If operations is frequently called, the usual reaction is to grow the operations team. -James Hamilton (source)

Azure Stream Analytics - A Simple Proof-Of-Concept

In my last post I gave a high level overview of the CallStats proof-of-concept app that I built using Azure Stream Analytics, in this post I’m going to explain how to get it running for yourself. Prerequisites You will need an Azure subscription with the Stream Analytics preview enabled. Setting up Service Bus The first step is to configure some Event Hubs, these will be the ingest and output for Stream Analytics.