Unravelled Development

Biml From the Trenches - Convention over Configuration

Biml from what I have observed is still in it’s infancy. Don’t get me wrong, what can actually be done with Biml is impressive, however it seems to me how we are using it and how we are talking about it still needs to mature before it can be fully and effectively embraced by the community at large. There is a growing number of people in the SQL Server community that are contributing excellent guidance and driving forward its maturity, as well as BimlScript.

TeamCity - Branching Databases and Continuous Integration

This week there have been lots of build failures, thanks to our HipChat and TeamCity integration I’m notified constantly. As a “senior developer”, this matters to me. The problem comes down to multiple feature branches using a single CI database, which means that it isn’t always “up-to date”, hence the failing tests. In this post I’m going to show you how I fixed this by setting up TeamCity to publish a database for each of our feature branches.

BIML Tip - Use LinqPad to write C#

To see any real benefit of using BIML you will need to combine it with C# to generate dynamic packages. The only problem is, unless you fork out $1000’s for MIST then your only alternative is BIDSHelper. This is a great tool, but one of the biggest problems is that you loose IntelliSense for C#. Lately I’ve been using *LinqPad to prototype and test C# code which I then paste into my BIML files.

Data Mining Resources for SQL Server Developers

Below are a few resources that I’ve discovered recently that show various ways of getting started with the Data Mining capabilities of SQL Server. Enhancing Applications with SQL Server Data Mining by Peter Myers (TechEd Australia 2013) In this excellent talk by Peter Myers, he demonstrates how easy it can be to build a data mining model then shows three different ways that they can be incorporated into an application:

BIML - Parameter Binding with SSIS 2012

For any SSIS project that contains more than a few packages chances are you have a master (or coordinator) package that controls execution of various packages within your project. In this post I’ll show you how to use Package Parameters with BIML. When I first started searching around on how to do this, I can across this sample on the site: [embed][/embed] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <Biml xmlns="http://schemas.

Building an SSIS Testing Framework

If you compared the Google results for “testing c#” and “testing SSIS” you would quickly realize that testability isn’t one of the strengths of SSIS. I’ve seen a few different frameworks which were either too complicated or didn’t really work, in this post I’m going to give you my take on building an SSIS Testing Framework. The Goal The overall goal of what I wanted to achieve from my test framework: